Sunday, July 27, 2008

@ "Kotong"

Moral choices. Last Friday, as I was driving skippy (my motor) along P.Tuazon and an mmda (not so sure, basta naka yellow uniform) pulled me over for driving on the sidewalks. I honestly didn't know that it was illegal. It was traffic, I was in a hurry; and I have done it already several times anyway. The mmda was charging me for reckless driving (although I later found out after sharing this to my cop friend, that reckless driving was not the case) he took my license and told me to go get it at the city hall and pay 2,000php. I panicked because it was my first time. I called up my dad and I asked him what to do, he told me negotiate with the mmda and just pay him 200php. I knew it was wrong, my dad spoke to the mmda and somehow got him to 'help' me. The mmda told me to pay him 500 and he'll do the reporting job for me. By this moment, I began to have chills; as I took out the money he told me to lend it to him discreetly. I asked why? He said, "because people might think I'm trying to bribe you." After he said that I felt worst!!! I felt a rushing surge inside by body and it seemed that all eyes were on me. I had a choice to do the right thing or not. Shamefully, I chose to do the latter for convenience.

As I drove off to the office, I felt very guilty. I know for a fact that God was hurt. =( I know, that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, but I also realized this...yea, I was able to save 1500 and the inconvenience of having to go to the city hall; was able to save up some time and treasure for my self, but I know in my heart that I lost some of my treasure in heaven...=(

That's not cool! I realized that I'd rather lose my treasures here on earth than not adding up to my treasures in heaven!!! When a police pulls me over again; gets my licence and tells me to go to city hall and pay 2000php...I want to have the strength to suffer the inconvenience and pay the mouth-full, then walk away having the peace in my heart that God is smiling down at me and hearing Him whisper to my heart, "WELL DONE SON".

"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life
." - 1 Timothy 6:18-19

"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
" - James 4:17

1 comment:

TJ S said...

This happened to me already. Hirap to be in this situation.