Sunday, October 14, 2007


I was driving my motor today and this question came to mind, "What if 'Skippy' breaks down, would I know how to fix it? Do I even know the parts of the motor and how it all works together to serve it's purpose?" the answer is NO! But I still use my motor; I trust it to work for me every single time by pressing a button whenever I'd use it. Then I thought of other things like, the house lights, the refrigerator, the computer, the car, etc. All these things I so often use but I don't really know how these things REALLY REALLY work and how there parts fit together to function making my life more convenient. I thank God for these conveniences in my life, I believe we all should be.

I realized that my faith in God works in the same way. I trust God so much with my life and yet I still don't know Him in His totality. Still I have a lot of questions to ask God; questions that undoubtedly causes the unbelief of many. A lot of people don't believe in God because they can't fathom His ways. In the bible, God said to the Christians, "walk by faith & not by sight". This is actually a commandment that in other words God's saying, "you can't fathom my ways, just trust and believe in me." Many people say, "to see is to believe" but God says, "believe in me first, then you will see."

Four years ago, I decided to trust God's word and have faith in Him even without understanding anything and now I'm seeing how God is changing me one day at a time. A change that I'm so grateful of. He took me out of darkness into his marvelous light. I took His word to believe in what God has done for me through His Son, Jesus Christ. Just like Skippy, I continue to trust and have faith in God because I know with all of my heart though I may not fully understand and know how He works, but everytime I rely on Him, he never leaves me nor forsakes me. Skippy can, but never will my God! =D

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